Lake Brateș
Natural attraction / Fishing lake
Lake Brateș, located at the confluence of the Prut River and the Danube, is one of the largest lakes in Romania, it is an important fishing base and one of the tourist attractions from Galați county.
Also dubbed "The Balaton of Romania", Lake Brateş was part of the small delta made by the Prut River inflow, which lined the lake and ponds on both sides of the river.
In 2011, Lake Brateș was declared a Special Protection Area for birds.
The site consists of three natural habitats: fresh continental waters (stagnant and running waters), extensive cereal-growing crops (including rotational crops with stubble ploughing) and caducefoliated forests (mixture of indigenous white willow with white poplar and black poplar).
Among the avifaunistic species encountered here, we mention: the great white pelican, the whiskered tern, the black tern, red footed falcon, the red-breasted goose, the greater white-fronted goose, the Eurasian wigeon, the mallard, the common teal, the Eurasian coot, the little egret and the lesser spotted woodpecker.
Text and photo sources: //www1.agerpres.ro; https://ro.wikipedia.org/